How to Claim Unclaimed Property

STEP 1: Review the properties you've selected

Once you have selected the properties you wish to claim, please review them before clicking File Claim and moving to the Claimant Information page.

A sample Review Property screen.

STEP 2: Enter your current contact information

As the Claimant complete the information requested. This includes Claimant’s current mailing address as this will be the address where the check will be mailed.

A sample Claimant Info screen.

STEP 3: Address confirmation

A pop-up screen may appear asking you to verify the address entered. This is to ensure our office is mailing the check to a valid address.

A sample address confirmation screen.

STEP 4: Submit your Claim

Review all properties claimed and verify the claimant’s current information. If correct, click SUBMIT to officially create a claim and generate a Claim ID number.

A sample Claim Preview screen highlighting the submit button.